Fabrications – Furry little meanderings

One of my favorite Bernina feet is the Freemotion Couching Foot (#43). Various yarns and fibers can be threaded through the small opening on one side of the foot and then couched with any thread that can go through the eye of a sewing machine needle. This foot is a virtual playground for embellishers.


For this example, I cut a piece of fabric and layered it with stabilizer that I attached using a basting spray. I chose a Fun Fur eyelash fiber with long variegations of about 160 inches. Beginning in one corner, I simply meandered my way around until the whole piece was covered with the furry fiber.

Threading the foot

Next, I changed to a metallic needle and threaded my machine with red Superior Halo. I attached my walking foot along with the seam guide and worked across the surface in a crosshatch pattern. This resulted in a unique and colorful piece of embellished fabric ready for another project.

Needles and Halo thread

If you have this attachment and haven’t used it, you’re in store for a whole new world of creativity.


Crosshatch pattern with Halo thread


N. Rene West
Time Treasured